
Friday, June 7, 2013

On our road to healing

The doctor was able to close up his chest last night. All went well and he had to have very minimal meds for his blood pressure through the process.  As far as blood pressure goes he has been more stable since even through all the sedation.
Today the goal is to start to get him off all sedation. This is really important today because we still don't know what damage to his brain has been done. The doctors are very concerned about this and that is his next hurdle. I feel like he is really in there but the doctors are going to need Stan to convince them. I pray today that he will become more responsive as his sedation wears off.  Also that no more health issues come our way.
Thank you all for you prayers and love and support. The faith of many have combined to give us many miracles in Stan's healing process.



  1. I am glad he is improving and that he is getting better! Even if there are still big hurdles to jump.
