
Monday, June 3, 2013

delayed June 2 update

Slacking on the blog for the day yesterday sorry guys! Here is the latest....
Stan is off all but one of the blood pressure medicines. He has gained 60 lbs. of fluids and has lost 10 lbs.  Of that in the last 48 hours. They took him off of the sedatives at 7:30 AM so they could see how his brain activity might be. He opened his eyes part way and was able to squeeze the nurses hand when she asked him to. We were not able to talk to the doctor today but we are encouraged by today's events. He is still on life support. As of today (June 3) We saw him this morning, he is looking better since the swelling has gone down. They are planning on turning the heart machine down again this morning around 8:00. Pray it goes well!

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