He just keeps getting better. Although progress is slow he is recovering. Over the last couple of days I have tried to update him more fully on how far he has actually come. I'm not sure he will ever really understand but it is hard for him to see how far he has come when he doesn't know the extent of what he has gone through.
Last night, thanks to his great nurse, we were able to wheel him down the hall where we had a great view of the fireworks Murray city had going. Very little of our time has been normal at all so it was nice to do something relatively normal on the Fourth of July. So grateful for the little things.
Today he was moved out of the TICU to a regular room. This was really a wonderful thing even though it was kind of hard for me. We had gotten to know so many of the nurses there and had found some true friends as well. We are so grateful for the miracle workers that make up the TICU at IMC. Without their staff, Stan would not be with me today. And of course his doctors who performed those miracles that came so abundantly. We will always be grateful for the entire staff of that unit.
Today he has walked a lot. It's been interesting to see him progress so quickly this week. The first time he only was able to take 12 steps and had to break half way through. This he accomplished while the therapist physically held him up. Today it was with a walker with some assistance of the therapist. I still travel behind him with the wheelchair just in case but he is doing so much better.
Thank you all for all your prayers and support. We know that it is through the combined faith we have had that he has recovered to this point.
We have truly found that through faith The Lord moves mountains. Also that miracles do still happen today and we have witnessed many ourselves.
Keep up the fight Stan
I love you
Stan and Alisha got to stay in Stan room last night. They are a special couple Alisha has been so faithful and strong during these weeks of unknown. I have seen her love for Stan and her testimony of a loving Heavenly Farher. He lives he loves us and he has blessed Stan and us all .